Recovery And Clearance Of The Fine Imposed By Court Order Rules, 2026 (1969) Repealing Rules, 2028 (1972)
Recovery and Clearance of the Fine Imposed by Court Order Rules, 2026 (1969) Repealing Rules, 2028 (1972)
Date of publication in the Nepal Gazette
2028.10.10 (24 Jan. 1972)
The Government of Nepal, having exercised the power conferred by Section 2 of the Administrative Procedure (Regulations) Act, 2013 (1956) has enacted the following Rules:
1. Short Title and Commencement :
(1) These Rules may be called as” Recovery and Clearance of the Fine Imposed by Court Order Rules, 2026 (1969) Repealing Rules, 2028 (1972)â.
(2) These Rules shall come into force immediately.
2. Repeal : Recovery and Clearance of the Fine Imposed by Court Order Rules, 2026 is, hereby, repealed.
3. Record of Arrears:
The record of fine and imprisonment imposed by court order in the situation of being effective the Recovery and Clearance of the Fine Imposed by Court Order Rules, 2026 acknowledged by the land revenue office, land administration office or their successor offices and remained pending to be recovered shall be delivered to the concerned District Court by the said offices; and the District Courts also shall acknowledge the same and recover and clear up as usual.
(Source: Nepal Law Commission)
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